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On Campus / Viewpoint Diversity

Observers on both sides of the political divide who have spoken out against radicalism on campus are not engaged in projection or dissociation. Quite the opposite, in fact; they are choosing not to look away. It is neither noble nor enlightened to witness thuggish authoritarianism and react with sarcasm for the benefit of the viewing audience on social media.

The philosophical roots of the liberal arts can free students from a life of slavery spent spelunking in the cave of ignorance, trivialities, and the merely menial…

When college presidents mistake lib-splaining for conservative outreach

Ideological condescension is not actually a ‘faith-rebuilding’ strategy.

The University of Washington’s College Republicans are contesting a decision to charge them $17,000 for a campus rally featuring a controversial right-wing speaker. Such battles are spreading to campuses nationwide.

Not just in California but nationwide, curriculum supervisors at all levels, by law or partiality, won’t consider instructional materials unless they align to identity politics premises.