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On Campus / Viewpoint Diversity

College campuses are awash with radical left-wing courses designed to indoctrinate the Millennials, yes? No doubt about it. Now a new course at San Diego State University, titled “Trump: Impeachment, Removal, or Conviction?,” takes the cake, right?…Maybe not.


The Texas Senate State Affairs Committee Chair recently held hearings at Texas State University on whether Texas should enact legislation protecting free speech on state college campuses.

What’s a Catholic school to do? Bow to Planned Parenthood or risk losing money?

Conventional political wisdom holds that Democrats try to give a hand up to the poor and Republicans try to give a hand out to the well off. Whatever the merits of these stereotypes on issues like taxes and entitlements, the House Republicans PROSPER Act shows that at least on higher education, the exact opposite is true.

Their obsession with destroying white, euro-centric ‘domination,’ wherever it may be, has become patronizing and authoritarian.

The irony and hypocrisy are obviously lost on self-styled “anti-fascists” who loudly—and, more often than not, violently—shut down, in fascist fashion, the free speech of others on college campuses.

Or maybe they are in fact aware of the hypocrisy and just don’t care about the bad PR optics, because they are so self-righteously convinced of the correctness of their cause.

The sociologist Gabriel Rossman offered valuable advice to UCLA students on the responsibilities that accompany free speech—and modeled the importance of having conservative faculty on campus.

China’s massive foreign influence campaign in the United States takes a long view, sowing seeds in American institutions meant to blossom over years or even decades. That’s why the problem of Chinese financial infusions into U.S. higher education is so difficult to grasp and so crucial to combat.

[T]he leadership of universities is finally recognizing the significant role their institutions can play in supporting and perpetuating free speech.