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On Campus / Viewpoint Diversity

“The school, Christopher Dawson observed, plays a pivotal role in transmitting culture…. We Americans are free and so, we believe, is our educational system. But the fact that education is compulsory and largely administered by the state makes its status as a free institution tenuous.”

The rules of collegiate debate are also coming under attack as racist and patriarchal.”

Judge dismisses case against University of Vermont student who was accused of using racially insensitive language.

The University of Wisconsin-Madison will reintroduce a class this spring that teaches students why being white is a bad thing.

The “Problem of Whiteness” course—part of the African Cultural Studies program—makes its mission to help students “understand how whiteness is socially constructed and experienced in order to help dismantle white supremacy.”

If I took a shot (tequila preferred) every time I saw a “safe space” sticker, heard a professor say “trigger warning,” or had a professor make political jabs at conservatives, I would be drunk enough to believe in Barack Obama’s failed message of “hope and change” or Bernie Sanders’ plan to spread the wealth.

“An academic paper published by the SIT Graduate Institute calls on educators to ‘promote racial identity exploration’ so that students of color do not “assimilate” into the dominant culture.”