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On Campus / Viewpoint Diversity

In an effort to combat “heteronormativity” in academia, a professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago recently suggested using art education as a means toward “helping kids turn out queer.”

Universities across the country have effectively repudiated the traditional ideal of liberal education; such weakening in our wider culture both reflects and influences how liberalism itself is viewed.

Catholic students can still be Catholic at Georgetown University. That’s basically what the school’s Student Activities Commission decided Thursday evening in all its benevolence.

University philosophy departments are supposed to be centers of open inquiry and rigorous analysis. What happens when that comes up against political correctness?

During two nearly 90-minute sessions – one for senior administrators and one for students – author and economist Arthur Brooks encouraged the campus to continue having difficult conversations about free speech and public policy.

Liberal students at Reed college are finally standing up to the militant SJW fringe on campus.